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Applus Ireland’s Journey to Reduced Financial Exposure and CAPEX with MegaPay On-Cloud
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    Applus+ is a worldwide leader in the testing, inspection, and certification sector that operates across multiple sectors in more than 65 countries. In Ireland, where they operate as Applus Inspection Services Ireland, the company addresses the National Car Testing service inspection on behalf of the Road Safety Authority. As the sole nationwide provider of this service, Applus Inspection Services Ireland is committed to fairness and impartiality, ensuring that customers are treated with the utmost integrity and professionalism.

    With their main office located in Dublin, Applus Inspection Services Ireland employs over 850 staff across 50 locations in Ireland and carries out over 2 million NCT tests per year. The company maintains complete independence from the motor industry and has the latest knowledge of regulatory requirements

      The Migration Process

      Applus Inspection Services Ireland places a strong emphasis on technological development, digitalisation, and innovation, which recently has led them to decide to migrate from on-premises to MegaPay On-Cloud. One of the key drivers for the switch to a cloud-based solution was to reduce financial exposure and capital expenditures (CAPEX). Before migrating to MegaPay On-Cloud, Applus’ payroll software costs would entail IT infrastructure and software licenses, investments that usually would have to go through several cogs of management approval before being purchased.

      This process, besides being slow, would significantly increase CAPEX and financial exposure. SD Worx managed the MegaPay On-Cloud project seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and secure payroll operation and safeguarding against costly errors.

      Download Brochure: See why you should make the switch to MegaPay On-Cloud.

        Benefits of MegaPay On-Cloud

        Applus Inspection Services Ireland has hailed the move to MegaPay On-Cloud as a great success, bringing in many benefits that have leveraged the company’s operations. They emphasised the following significant benefits:

        •  Reduced upfront financial exposure and CAPEX. 
        • Enterprise-grade data centres offer the highest level of security, also reducing financial risks related to data security.
        • No concerns regarding upgrades and hardware matters since SD Worx Ireland manages them.
        • SD Worx Ireland also handles payroll and tax year-end updates.
        • Easy deployment for remote working environments, optimising payroll across the company’s multiple locations.

          “MegaPay On-Cloud has empowered us to streamline operations. This strategic move from on-premises to On-Cloud has allowed us to allocate resources more efficiently, enabling a focused approach towards growth and innovative technology. With SD Worx Ireland as a reliable partner, the migration process was seamless, agile, and safe.”

          Hugh O’Brien, Global RPA & Finance Systems Lead, Applus Inspection Services Ireland Ltd.

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