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Cagney Contract Cleaning

Cagney Contract Cleaning chose MegaPay, the Corporate Payroll Software from SD Worx Ireland.


    Cagney Contract Cleaning was founded in 1977 by Patrick Cagney to provide a professional cleaning service to a wide range of clients. He was joined in 1979 by Garvan Cagney, his brother. Today the company employs in excess of 1,000 staff, and has its Head Office and Moderated Training Centre in Dublin.

    Cagney Contract Cleaning predominantly serves the greater Leinster area. They have significant contacts in the Cork/Kerry area with their own regional management. Their clients include many corporate, pharma, industrial and commercial organisations.


      In terms of implementation, according to Linda Martin, Finance Manager for Cagney Contract Cleaning, “The Project Manager provided by SD Worx Ireland had excellent knowledge of the software and our payroll requirements, all deadlines were met on time and responses to project queries were immediate.

      The ability of SD Worx to keep to commitments and their ability to deliver outstanding quality payroll software and services is highly rated by Cagney.

        Choosing SD Worx Ireland

        Linda added, “We chose MegaPay over other payroll providers in the marketplace because we had outgrown our current payroll solution. Also, the integration between HR and Payroll was a must. The sharing of relevant information such as job and salary history between both systems saved time on our side, as it meant no duplication effort.


          According to Linda, the key features of MegaPay are:

          • Seamless timesheet import at the touch of a button.

          • Excellent Standard Reports along with easy to use Report Writing Tool.

          • Easy to edit Pay Rates especially when employment regulations allow for wage increases across the board.

          • Detailed Audit History on fields.

          • Excellent Support, always there to help.

            Working with SD Worx Ireland

            Now fully underway using MegaPay and HR Software, Cagney Contract Cleaning can utilise the user friendliness and robust functionality of the systems to meet their payroll needs.

            As reliability and security are of vital importance to Cagney, these features were top rated. SD Worx Ireland, looks forward to working with Cagney’s payroll team for a long time to come.

              Get in touch today to discover how our solutions can transform your Payroll and HR operations.

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